Well it has been a while hasn’t it?! Life got a little busy for us and honestly, I needed a break from so much. Between, well….. let’s just say the never ending saga that 2020 left us, the garden, getting and learning about chickens and summer (which is NOT my favorite season, aside from it being good for the garden), I needed a break from the blog. I was also unfortunately, not in a creative/recipe creation mood. (If I can be honest, it has been a bit longer than the summer where I was feeling that way) Sometimes in life, we need to take a step back where we can so that everything else doesn’t fall apart.

SO, enough of that! I’m back and I wanted to just give you all a quick update on what I’ve been up to and life on our little homestead. Back in May, we got our much anticipated chickens and it has been a blur since! They have been interesting to say the least but, it was literally a Baptism by fire when it came to caring for them.

Phoebe, Monica and Rachel

We first got 3 Red Sex Link girls from a farm that is down the road from us. They were a little too easy to catch that night so, that should have been our first indication that something was probably off (but, what can I say? I’m a brand new #chickenmama so what was I to know??) It ended up being that one of them was semi blind (yes blind) and the other (Monica) has reproductive issues meaning, we aren’t getting many (if any) eggs from her. Plus, our blind one (Phoebe) ended up with the same issues. At first we thought it was a bout of Vent Gleet (basically like a yeast infection for chickens) and treated for that but, it never got better. So, we actually had to make a decision on what to do next since we weren’t getting many eggs plus Phoebe’s vision was actually getting worse over time. She ended up not laying and not eating much. We were fortunate to find a farm that was exceptionally knowledgeable on chickens and they helped us make the tough decision to give Phoebe up so that they could evaluate her and make the call on what was to come next. When I say she was blind…she was totally blind to the point where I had to go pick her up from where she was so that she could be closer to food and water. It was a difficult decision but, one that we needed to do.

Fast forward to about a month ago….we got 3 new babies! Well, not chicks but they ranged from 4 months old to 8 weeks old. Meet: Ursula, Janice and Helena Handbasket! (if you haven’t picked up on the FRIENDS theme, we can’t be friends! lol) They have been an interesting addition to our flock and they are still getting used to the other 2 girls (or I should say, the other 2 are still being mean to them!)

Helena Handbasket, Ursula and Janice

Overall, it has been a fun and interesting summer getting to know our girls, learning the wonders of farm life, growing our own food (with some trial and error) and just enjoying our time here at home. I will definitely give you updates on our girls, especially once the babies start laying their eggs since Ursula is actually an Easter Egger and will give us pretty blue eggs!! EGGCITING!!

For now, I will leave you with some photos of our little farm life! Stay tuned because I will have some recipes coming up soon too!

Be sure to leave a comment and if you want to give the girls a follow (because you KNOW I had to make an Instagram page for them!) Check them out on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/centralcluck/